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Our Xmas Programmes 2021
Christmas Eve
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0900-1000 The Golden Hour (Part One)
with Simon Guettier
1000-1200 Simon Guettier
1200-1400 Jamie Stocker
1400-1500 The Golden Hour (Part Two)
with Simon Guettier
1500-1630 Festival of 9 Lessons and Carols
from King's College Cambridge
1630-1900 WVR Afternoon
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night
Christmas Day
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-1000 The Massive 40 with Jason Scott
Another chance to hear the Top 40
1000-1200 Simon Guettier on Xmas Morning.
1200-1400 Jamie Moore - Xmas Lunch.
1400-1600 Rowan Walker - Xmas Afternoon
This week Rowan moves from the
kitchen to the living room!
1600-1800 Donald McFarlane on Xmas Day
1800-1900 Xmas on WVR
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night
Boxing Day
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0800-1000 Gary Good
1000-1200 Simon Guettier's All Time Xmas Top
Simon counts down the biggest
selling Christmas tunes of all time.
1200-1500 Donald McFarlane's
Oldies Emporium
A break from all the Xmas music as
Donald plays classic hits from
the 60s, 70s and 80s
1500-1700 Brian Grice on Boxing Day
1700-1900 Neil Greaves' Guilty Pleasure
Classic tunes from Neil - tunes that
you might not admit to liking!
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2100-0000 WVR Thru The Night
Holiday Monday
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0900-1000 The Golden Hour (Part One)
with Simon Guettier
1000-1200 Simon Guettier
1200-1500 The Massive 40 with Jason Scott
First airing of the New Top 40.
1500-1900 WVR Afternoon
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night
Holiday Tuesday
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0900-1000 The Golden Hour (Part One)
with Simon Guettier
1000-1200 Simon Guettier
1200-1400 Donald McFarlane
1400-1500 The Golden Hour (Part Two)
with Simon Guettier
1500-1900 WVR Afternoon
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0900-1000 The Golden Hour (Part One)
with Simon Guettier
1000-1200 Simon Guettier
1200-1400 Donald McFarlane
1400-1500 The Golden Hour (Part Two)
with Simon Guettier
1500-1900 WVR Afternoon
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night
0000-0700 WVR Thru The Night
0700-0900 Classic Hits Breakfast
0900-1000 The Golden Hour (Part One)
with Simon Guettier
1000-1200 Simon Guettier
1200-1400 Jamie Moore
1400-1500 The Golden Hour (Part Two)
with Simon Guettier
1500-1900 WVR Afternoon
1900-2100 The 70s Jukebox
2100-2200 The 60s Jukebox
2200-0000 WVR Thru The Night