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Rowan Walker

Rowan was born in Huddersfield in West Yorkshire but didn't stick around for too long there after being whisked off to Spain and the Canary Islands for a life in the sun with her parents.
Due to her dad's job she'd lived all over the world: in Nigeria, Thailand, India, Brazil, Bath, London - and now Waddesdon!
Despite not ever having her own show before Rowan used to love recording her own sessions at home when she was young and is a big music lover. She especially loves going to live gigs and festivals.
Rowan is a trained journalist and worked at the Guardian and Observer and currently works in PR at UCL promoting health and education research. She is also co-author of a football book called Day of the Match.
She moved to Waddesdon from London around two years ago and lives here with her husband and two young children so is used to being surrounded by lots of noise. She is very excited to be part of the WVR team.