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Sheila Kronfeld
Sheila lives in Bucks with her husband and four children - her most important role, being a mother.
She has travelled extensively and spent some time living in Australia and America but has been living locally for the past 10 years.
She grew up in the countryside and then enjoyed many years in London working in recruitment and then in Media, for The Mail on Sunday and then for an independent film company, Pukka Films, before leaving it all to have children and resettle in the country.
She’s passionate about writing, still contributing to Readers Digest Online UK, photography (which can be seen on her instagram page ‘sheila.s_naturephotomagic’), her family, friends and the community. She also works for the leading Menopause clinic.
Sheila loves people, chatting and wine. Her dry sense of humour can be heard on her Tuesday show in the afternoons on WVR.